

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to simplifying your life is changing your habits.  We are creatures of routine; often that routine begins the second that your day begins.

Take a step outside yourself and look at your day, when your alarm clock goes off in the morning, what is the first thing that you do?  Hit the snooze button?  How many times?  What’s first after you do finally climb out of bed?  Coffee or shower?  I bet it is the same nearly every single day, it’s your morning “routine”.  Everything we do is repeated day after day, right down to which sock you put on first.  If you want to change the way you live you have to kick the habits and routines, or at least develop new, healthy, simple, clutter free habits and routines.

Small or large, I challenge you to change up your routine.  See how it makes you feel.  Often just thinking about it will make you feel anxious.  If it’s something that you have been doing for years, you can’t even imagine it any other way.

In order to make a change in your life, you have to make a change in your life.

When you dress in the morning, if you typically put your pants on first, don’t.  Put your shirt on first and see if the world ends…it won’t.  If you typically have a sandwich for lunch, pack a salad instead.  Try to resist; smoking after meals; stopping for coffee; picking up fast food on the way home; turning on the t.v. when you get there.  Anything, large or small, one change.  Remove the ripples in your life, and smooth out your living.  Your habits are a result of your routines, if you break the routine you can change your habits.

Once you make not having a routine your routine you will be free to start better habits such as; eating salads for lunch; meditating after work; writing in the evenings; enjoying music in the mornings; and reading.

You might find that once you don’t have a routine to follow, that you will be faced with more time.  I know, what on earth will you do with that?  The possibilities are endless.

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