

When was the last time that you sat in silence?

It seems that our culture is obsessed with distraction.  When you are in your house, the tv will likely be on, when you are in your car, the radio.  Even time spend outside is accompanied with ear buds and ieverythings.  If you haven’t sat in silence for a while then you may not realize how loud the world is, or how many distractions you barrage yourself with.

Do yourself a favor, then next beautiful morning, pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea and sit quietly on your back porch, or look out of a picture window and enjoy just 10 minutes of peace and quiet.  No phones, no pads or laptops, no television or music of any kind, just you and your thoughts without distractions.  You may be surprised with how your mind will react to this distraction free peace, and just where your thoughts will go.

Want to take it a step further?  Put aside just 30 minutes to try some meditation, there are endless guidelines on meditation literally at your fingertips, with a quick search you may even find a group meditation class in your town.  The next step could even be sensory deprivation, the ultimate distraction free peace, such as the art of floating or just sitting in a dark room with earplugs and your thoughts.

You may think to yourself that you couldn’t go anywhere without your ipod playlist or your favorite podcasts.  You may also think that having a television on as “background noise” helps you get things done or helps you think.  Try to step out of your comfort zone for just 15 minutes and see what happens.  A simple break from life’s distractions and noise will help you realign your thoughts and clear your head.  Life can be hectic so clear your mind to start living.

Silence is golden.


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